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The regular price for 1 bottle of Bladder Relief 911 is $120. However, because you made the cut to join the PhytAge Laboratories private test group, you will get 1 bottle of Bladder Relief 911 for $69.95. That’s a savings of $50. Better yet, to get our BEST DEAL, order 4 bottles and each bottle drops to just $49.95 – that’s $80 off!
"I never thought I’d find an answer for my bladder. I tried different meds from the doctor, tried those weird Kegel exercises and was ready to sign up for a procedure that was supposed to cure me.
I gave your product a try first and thank God I did Now I can go hours without feeling the urge to go.
It only took about 2 weeks for me to happily cancel my surgery date. It feels so good not having constant worry anymore."
"I thought there was no way your formula could work for me. But I couldn’t stand the thought of wetting my pants again, so I gave it a try.
Now I sneeze, cough, laugh or whatever and I’m fully confident I don’t have to worry about another embarrassing accident.
I feel young again. Thank you."
"I had a reaction to my doctor’s prescribed medication. But once I got off the meds the leaks came right back. I suffered until I found your product on the Internet.
It worked! If I didn’t find you, I’m scared to say where I’d be today."